Anyone Want To is an in-development app created by resident Paul Colasanto for use by Lorraine Lakes residents.  The app was made to simplify the creation/coordination of resident-led activities that are open to everyone (i.e., no reason to use it for your weekly tennis match with 3 specific friends).  The idea is that everyone in the neighborhood can have this one single app, and set their preferences so that they only see activities that they are interested in.

The main features of the app are very straightforward. Creating an activity is as simple as picking the activity type from dropdown lists, picking a date/time, and adding pertinent information to a text box. RSVPing is as simple as clicking a button and indicating how many people the user is RSVPing for.

You may ask why we need something like this. The answer is ACCESS, CONVENIENCE and CUSTOMIZATION.  How do people know about events now?  Facebook pages, group texts, whatsapp messages, and more.  Pickleball, bunco, golf, bingo, whatever, each require knowing about the group and getting invited to it.  Then what happens?  Oh look, someone posted on Facebook about something fun, but it didn’t show up on my feed until the day after the event.  Group text about golf? Muted the chat after 400 texts about everything but golf, and didn’t notice that there was actually one message asking if anyone wanted to play this weekend.  Got kicked off the whatsapp group while snowbirding, and now don’t know when book club is meeting anymore.  This app solves for all of that!

ACCESS: Everyone that lives here can get the app. (Sort of… Sorry Android users, but only iOS is supported right now.)

CONVENIENCE: No need to join 50 different places.

CUSTOMIZATION: Set your preferences to just see the things you care about. There are 3 preference levels: notify (you get a push notification when someone creates an activity that you set to notify), viewable (no notifications, but you can see these activities on your feed), and ignore (you won’t even see these in your app).  Better yet, you can adjust them whenever you want.  Hurt your ankle and can’t play pickleball for 2 weeks?  Set your preferences to ignore pickleball activities, then turn them back on when you’re healthy. 

Questions/comments/suggestions?  Use the contact menu at the top of this page, or reach out to Paul directly at 484-885-4323 or message him on Facebook.

Download the App

Note: The app is currently only available for iOS devices (iPhones and iPads). I apologize to my Android friends, but hope to have an Android version soon.

During development, you need to get Apple's TestFlight from the App Store, or by clicking the TestFlight icon below. After installing TestFlight, you can download the AnyoneWantTo App by clicking on the AnyoneWantTo icon below that.

Once you create an account, text Paul at 484 885-4323 or message him on Facebook to confirm that you are a Lorraine Lakes resident, and he will approve your account. Then log in, set your preferences, and begin creating and attending activities!

Join our Facebook page to share ideas, make suggestions, or report issues with the app.