Why is it so slow to load the info?
During development and testing, the app is running on servers outside of the United States. Once the app is complete, it will be moved onshore and any lag should be eliminated. We apologize for this temporary inconvenience.
Account setup:
Why do you ask for my age and gender?
While we currently do not use this information to limit what activities you see on your feed, we may do so in the future.
How do I adjust my preferences after I initially set them up?
Click on the settings button (gear icon) on the bottom right of the main page. Then click on preferences and make your adjustments. Then click save and continue.
Home page:
Why is an activity that I (or a friend, etc.) created not showing up?
Most likely your preferences are set to not show that type of activity. For example, if your preferences tell the app to ignore advanced pickleball and you create an advanced pickleball activity, it will only show up in the “my activities” section on the setting tab. This is intentional, as the app was designed to only show you the categories that you set to viewable or notify. Note: a future version of the app may include a warning or some other note when you create an activity type that you have set to ignore.
What does attendees and spots available mean?
Attendees is the number of people, including the activity creator, that have RSVPd to the activity, and spots available is how many more people the activity creator is looking for (or the maximum number accepted).
What do the border colors mean on activities?
Green borders are activities that you created, and blue borders are activities that you have RSVPd to.
How can I search/filter activities?
There are a few ways to do this, depending on your goal. If you want to search for only activities that you created, click the creator button. If you want to see all activities that you have RSVPd to, click the attending button. To search for specific keywords, use the search textbook.
What is “include past activities” used for?
The feed is defaulted to only show activities today and later, but you may want to see an event that occurred in the past. You can select how far back to include, and click the checkbox. For example, you may have played pickleball with someone last week but forget their name, you could use this functionality to find that activity and see the attendee list.
Creating/editing an activity:
How do I create an activity?
On the main screen, press the PLUS button at the bottom of the page. Next select the category for the activity you want to create, then select a subcategory 1, and if applicable, a subcategory 2. (Note that while the servers are offshore, you may have to wait a few seconds for subcategories to pop up. If the subcategory box does not load, you may have to exit the create new activity page and try again. We apologize for the inconvenience.) Next, select the date and time for your activity. Then put how many people you would like to participate or the maximum number you will accept (including yourself), and then the number of people that you are bringing (including yourself). You can then optionally add details about the activity, or select a preferred gender and/or age group for participants, and then click submit.
What does desired number of people mean?
This is how many people, yourself included, the activity is intended for, or the maximum number you will accept.
What does activity creator attendee count mean?
This is the number of people that you are bringing to the activity, yourself included.
What is the description field used for?
Anything you think potential participants would be interested to know. For example, where the activity will be held, or something like “just looking to hit around for fun.“
How do the age and gender specifications work?
Currently, they are just displayed on the activity detail. Any age and gender can RSVP for activities on the app, but this lets other users know what your preference for the activity is.
What if an activity category or sub category does not exist for an activity that I want to plan?
In this case please email help@AnyoneWantTo.com.
How do I edit/cancel an activity?
Click on the activity you’d like to edit/cancel, and then click the appropriate button. You can then edit the count of people desired, the number of people you are bringing, and some other information.
Why can’t I edit the category or subcategory?
Users can not set up an activity for one category and then change it, because people who have already RSVPd might not want to participate in the activity under a different category or subcategory. If you no longer want to have the activity originally created, please cancel the activity and create a new one with the desired category and subcategory.
RSVPing/editing an RSVP to an activity:
How do I RSVP to an activity?
Click on the activity you would like to RSVP to, and click “RSVP” at the bottom. Enter the number of people you are bringing, including yourself. Then enter any comments, if applicable, and then click submit.
How do I edit/cancel an RSVP?
Click on the event you have RSVPd to, and click edit or cancel. Then adjust your attendee count and/or comment, then hit save.
Is there a chat feature?
Currently no chat feature exist, but this will likely be added at some point in the future.
How do I use the Calendar tab?
The calendar tab highlights any day that contain activities that you have created or RSVPed to. The bottom of the page lists activities for the future, but you can click on specific days to see the activities for that day, and you can also look at other months to see the activities for that month.
Feature requests and bug reporting:
If you’d like to suggest any changes, or report a bug/issue, please email help@AnyoneWantTo.com.